Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday, Sept 16th

Hey all,

This Wednesday is a combined activity. Also, remember, next week is board of reviews. So, if you need to have a board of review, you also need to have a scoutmaster interview, so bring your scoutbook this week and we can do it during the combined activity. As always, let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Pete,
    I show that the last merit badge Brisco earned was Aviation back in April. I know his scout book was lost for a while so what's the best way to find out what he may have earned since then? Also, does his calling as Secretary in Deacons count towards "time served" as a Scribe?

  2. yes, counts as Scribe. Have him bring his book tonight and we can review the merit badges I have for him since aviation.
